Our ACE Curriculum
At the centre of all we do, we want to focus on Aspiration – motivating the children to aim high, Communication – speaking, listening and reading are key to every other aspect of learning and Experience – not just talking or reading about something but bringing their learning to life with hands on experiences.
We will then build onto the ACE curriculum the Golden Threads of Learning as we widen their vocabulary and oracy skills, help them develop a love of reading and broaden their cultural experiences.
The Harmony Pledge is our commitment to help all children at Ash Croft to develop ten characteristics for themselves, that will set them up for the future. We want them to be:
Problem Solvers
This ethos is at the heart of the academy and contributes to the shared goal of ensuring that our children move on to the next stage of their education as confident, competent learners. We want the children to be happy and excited about coming to school to learn and to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across a wide and varied curriculum.